

Business Karate

Intuition Trance Analysis


for Teams and Organisations

Business Karate Coaching


Business Karate Coaching leads individuals and teams out of their comfort zone and reveals

their hidden potentials.

Business Karate Coaching deepens the power of visualisation, dissolves structural blockades and gives direction and meaning to people and organisations.

Business Karate Coaching combines soft and hard power, ranging from meditative trance to contact fights to economic analysis. It leads individuals and groups to freedom and harmony.

Business Karate is a very personal endeavour, for individuals as well as groups. All our offerings are individually tailored to your needs. We look forward to talking to you about your case, personally and confidentially.

                                    Information and Contact

         Tel: 0174 3790176      Mail: malte@business-karate.de

Business Karate is rooted in the meditative Karate Practice Innere Stille.


and Approach

Malte Loos

Workshops and Camps


Value for


Solutions for People

Client Testimonials