One of man's deepest sources of power is his sense of meaning in life. It is tempting to look for that meaning in outward success. Power, Money and Status enaure our survival and increase our chances of successful reproduction. Achieving them confers on us a sense of satisfaction and mission.
The most important element of human sense lies with us though. External meaningfulness is fragile and does not reach into alle layers of our being. Important parts of us can never be explained or justified through their outer usefulness. Their meaning grows from the mere fact of their existence.
Buddhist martial art is based on exactly this intrinsic type of meaning. The fighter can mobilise all his parts only, if he does not scramble their intrinsic meaning. Once acknowledged in their nature, they can unfold all their substance and work together to create his maximal power.
Business Karate Coaching leads us to genuinely accept our being, independently of outer circumstances. It gives us a broad basis, on which our existence can rest and our power fully develop.